Next I adjusted the saturation slider to -10. In this case I adjusted the hue to +10, this changed the overall color values. So the first place I head for is yellow in the dropdown menu. That is because more often than naught, it’s the yellow giving you the problem. Many people think “green grass” so they head to green to make adjustments but they don’t see the changes they hoped for. The hue slider changes the values of our colors, the saturation slider adjusts the intensity of our colors (increased to right and decreased to left) and lightness adjusts the luminance or our colors. Here you can adjust the hue/saturation/lightness of the entire image or you can click on master and target individual colors.
One fairly easy way to fix this is to head to the adjustment panel and click on the hue/saturation icon. Grass and foliage has a tendency to go yellow or “neon” or “nuclear”. It seems like no matter what I do mine turn neon or yellow or washed out, even if they were dark and rich in real life. The question this week was posed by CM member, Ali who asked: “I would LOVE to know how to get nice rich, deep green grass, leaves, etc. Tired of neon grass? I’m going to show you how to turn it green in Photoshop today!